Wednesday 30 March 2016

Socks - I will not be defeated!! - Part 2

So yesterday was Bank holiday Monday. Now when I've been teaching and have a class of children I am responsible for I usually spend my 'days off'/ 'holidays' planning, marking, researching or if I do try to do something relaxing or for me I spend the whole time feeling guilty and think "I should be; planning, marking, researching, resource making etc.".

Still on the road to recovery and not have a class to be responsible for, I decided I could really have a lazy bank holiday! I ripped my sock right back to the cuff (as that bit looked fine) and started again from those few rows.
I even got excited when I realised my nail varnish matched my yarn! Sad, lol!

My other half (AKA - Mr Grumpy, name of his own choosing I hasten to add) brought me the X-Men box set last year some time and has asked me a few times whether I've watched it yet. Today seemed like the perfect opportunity, knitting my socks and a movie marathon. So I got cracking.

4 and a half films and one sock later and it was time for bed.

29/3/2016 - Sock update: Cast on for second sock this morning and think I've done quite well, not quite so much as yesterday but a fair bit seeing as my day hasn't just been knitting socks. I was determined to turn the heel tonight and I have just done a few ordinary knit rows post heel turn and so I am off to bed! Also finished the 4th movie in the set and watched the 5th - one more to go and I can say whole heartedly that I've watched the set from beginning to end, and made a pair of socks of course! (Need to finish the second sock before the end of the last film! Sounds like a challenge to me.

30/3/2016 -Today included another visit to the driving range with Mr Grumpy and so I had the perfect opportunity to knit the foot part of my sock (knitting my socks at least kept my hands warm, even if the rest of me was freezing. I must learn to take gloves/mittens).
20:00pm - Having just got home I now need to check the length against the already finished sock and hopefully get it finished so I have a pair to show off tomorrow.
22:25pm - We have a pair!! My first pair of socks!! Mission accomplished! :)

Hmmm... I might get started on the next pair. I already have a plan and the yarn. For my next pair I'm planning to use a DK by West Yorkshire Spinners - a plain colour with the navy for heels and toes again, before hopefully progressing to 4ply. Would love to make Mr Grumpy a pair of socks but it would have to be 4ply as anything else would be too thick and make him overheat. Keep a look out for more socks.

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