Sunday 28 February 2016

Surgery update..

Ok, so once again, surprise I have neglected my blog. I have some catching up to do, so be prepared for several blogs in quick succession. I'd like to think I have a good excuse though... 

September meant that it was back to work and I have to confess that work wasn't what I'd quite expected it to be - but therein lies a different story all together. I finished work at the end of November and a week later I was in hospital having surgery on my foot. I didn’t feel it was very fair to get new job only to have turn round to new employer and tell them I would be out of action for between 3 and 6 months. You see when I last saw my consultant it was decided I would need surgery on both my feet and that they should be done separately, with a 3-month recovery per foot this looked like it could put me out of action for most of an academic year. I decided to make the most of my contract finishing early and get the first lot of surgery done.

So... on the 3rd December I went in to have the first foot done. Having had lots of surgery (51 general anaesthetics by time I was 12) as a child the idea of going for surgery again didn’t bowl me over, but then who is ever pleased by the prospect of surgery really). The bit the worried me wasn’t the surgery itself - no, I've had the same foot surgeon since I was 18 months old and I trust him entirely! no, the bit the worried me was the anaesthetic - you see I never reacted well to them as a child and the prospect of not being able to keep anything down for the 24 hours that followed was not one that made me comfortable with the surgery route - which to be fair was the only option.

Anyways... the anaesthetist I met on the day was an absolute super star and I ended up having a spinal anaesthetic which meant I was awake all the way through and post-surgery felt great! Up drinking coffee and back crocheting on the ward in no time!

Here is a picture that lovely anaesthetist took of me in theatre. I had my headphones on and music playing through my phone (on airplane mode of course – hardly appropriate to be taking calls and answering texts on the operating table now, lol). The 3 hours passed very quickly – that may have been the drugs they gave me. Have to say I am rather proud of myself for managing this as would never have thought it possible. Until about 6 or so years ago I had such a massive needle phonbia that I leapt out of the dentists chair when he put that suction tube thingy in my mouth (funny but true - I didn't trust him that it wasnt going to be a needle!) 

Unfortunately, being awake also meant I was able to suggest having the second lot of surgery 6 weeks after the first when the pins were to be taken out.
The second surgery wasn’t quite as comfortable as the first – spinal was a bit trickier. But it’s all done now and the last pins come out on Monday 29th February 2016 – TOMORROW!! 

I will leave this as a short post for now, but will update you all on my recent creations in following posts, including the crocheting mentioned moments ago. Watch this space – I’ve needed lots to keep me busy and out of mischief.

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