Monday 29 February 2016

'Finish it February', friends and Corner to Corner baby blanket

A bit more catching up to do...

Since my surgery I have spent a lot of time at my local yarn shop/cafe. It's great you can sit and sip a cuppa, nibble at some homemade cake, crochet/knit and natter - Perfect!! I'm the kind of person who would be diven mad kept within the same four wall and so as soon as I was able I was in the wheelchair and up the road to WeKnit coffee corner - Find them on Facebook here. Or visit their online shop: Or check out the blog written by the fabulous Sue: WeKnitYouCanToo Blog Without everyone at WeKnit I think I would have gone stir crazy. As well as the yarn, coffee, and cakes the support has been fantastic - I can't thank you ladies and gents enough!
The chatter has kept me upbeat and busy with different projects - all of which will appear on here in good time.

Finish it February
One day at the beginning of February I was in the cafe and said something about wanting to get the Corner to Corner (C2C) baby blanket I started last year finshed. I had pretty much got half way and it was the daunting idea of the decreasing that had made me put it to one side. One facebook I made a comment about 'Finish it February' and wanting to finish all those projects I had put to one side mid way through or had brought yarn for but that sat in a bag or cupboard untouched. Without realising it I started 'Finish it February' amongst my fellow knitters and crocheters. Soon an event was created on facebook and photos and comments were being shared, projects being pulled from their dusty resting places. It was great to see everyone getting the satisfaction of finsihing pieces they had previously given up hope on or just lost the enthusiasm for.

The offending Corner to Corner (C2C)
The C2C technique is really rather simple, increasing to the halfway point (diagonally) and then decreasing to the last corner giving you a complete square upon completion. This was ideal for my first baby blanket  as I brought 2 balls of yarn and worked up using the increase to the mid point until I ran out of yarn on the first ball. This meant I knew there would be enough in the second ball to work the second half in decreases.

When finished I worked a narrow border of double crochets in a complimenting colour.
The yarn used for this project:
With Love DK by Woolcraft - colour Ocean 617
New Fashion DK by Woolcraft - colour Lemon 4385
Puchased here: weknit-youcantoo - woolcraft

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