Saturday 23 April 2016

April - Marizion, Mousehole, sunshine and Ice cream

Today was a gorgeously sunny day and so we decided to get out and make the most of it. After collecting the other half from St Austell way, I headed back down the A30, past home. A quick stop for petrol and we carried on down to Marizion, one of our favourite spots.
We love a good panorama
One of our favourite things about Marizion is if its too chilly to sit on or stroll across the beach, or my feet are not behaving themselves enough to allow a little walk, we can park up facing the sea. This means we can enjoy our picnic in the warmth of the car whilst admiring the views of Mounts Bay - the best of both worlds. Don't get me wrong we love the outdoors and try to get out into it as much as possibly, but on clear chilly days or even stormy days its nice to watch the sea from the warmth of the car.

After eating our packed lunch and braving a little sit outside on the wall (boy was that wind chilly), we headed further west to Mousehole for an ice cream.

A little more sheltered from the wind it was nice in the sunshine and even managed to park and walk down into the village - yay for another achievement. Here we indulged in a small ice cream each (well mango and passion fruit sorbet for me - which was delicious!). All in all a lovely day in the sun!

Only a short post today as off to a craft fair tomorrow and may feel the need to write about it later...

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